Susan Trott

“The idea of original art from recycled Running Fence material is pure fun,” says Susan Trott, “which is something that rarely happens in an art world that takes itself pretty seriously. It is very much in the spirit of Christo himself.” Susan Trott, an internationally known fiction writer, is the author of The Holy Man and thirteen other novels. Three of her works are currently under Hollywood option. She also enjoyed a part-time art career until the life-changing event of 9/11. She decided to work full-time on her art - art to make people smile. Trott’s proficiency in various creative media quickly became evident, equaling her talent with the written word. Her subsequent sculptures, paintings and block prints have been accepted at numerous juried shows: Sausalito Art Commission venues, the O'Hanlon Center for the Arts in Mill Valley, Falkirk Cultural Center in San Rafael, the Artisans Gallery, the Belvedere Tiburon Library, and the Marin Society of Artists. She has had seven solo shows at four Marin County cafes, and her paintings and sculptures have earned her several awards.






   R. I. P. Jeanne-Claude   Planet Christo 
     Running Dog     Athlete Wearing Cape II

    Athlete Wearing Cape III    Athlete Wearing Cape I

    Click on each image to enlarge.